Friday, January 13, 2012

A Guide for Using SOPA & PIPA to Kill Scientific Debate -- You're Welcome

"Now, how does this apply to science? Let's say you are greatly displeased that a science journal posted a result that disagrees with you in some way. Maybe it's business, ideology, religious, or a personal vendetta. You could write a letter to the editor supporting or opposing some unrelated article and include a liberal sprinkling of copyrighted work within the letter. You would of course need a silent partner who owned the copyrighted work you cribbed from. The journal, in the interest of scientific discussion and openness, posts the work. Mission Accomplished! The journal's website is now responsible for publishing that copyrighted work.

Your friend can now try and use the Justice Department to financially execute the journal, which will likely result in their entire catalog (including the offending article) being thrown in disarray and possibly lost because they can no longer afford to operate. Since the journal owns the copyright to that work, the scientists cannot just reproduce the articles elsewhere. At the very least such actions would make scientific outlets rightfully suspicious of discussions that emanate from the general public."


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